UX Research - HCI

InfoSci Client Project

Dynamic mobile app UI designed for fitness enthusiasts, featuring vibrant visuals, intuitive navigation, and an energetic feel.

UX Research - HCI

InfoSci Client Project

Dynamic mobile app UI designed for fitness enthusiasts, featuring vibrant visuals, intuitive navigation, and an energetic feel.

UX Research - HCI

InfoSci Client Project

Dynamic mobile app UI designed for fitness enthusiasts, featuring vibrant visuals, intuitive navigation, and an energetic feel.

Mockup of the Amtrak's website on a black MacBook with a train sunset image in the background
Mockup of the Amtrak's website on a black MacBook with a train sunset image in the background
Mockup of the Amtrak's website on a black MacBook with a train sunset image in the background

For whom?

UMD InfoSci Department

My Role

UX Researcher & More

The Niche



Fall '23

Fusce ut neque eget ipsum bibendum lacinia. Nullam congue, dui at convallis eleifend, justo erat faucibus lectus, ut fermentum nisl felis non purus. Vestibulum varius quis eros a bibendum. Integer nec sem in purus feugiat vehicula. Nam nec lectus ac velit dictum hendrerit vel sed ante. Suspendisse potenti. Proin a libero vel nisl volutpat iaculis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed et est id nulla convallis pulvinar. Nullam id purus ut felis ullamcorper dapibus. Sed fermentum elit at arcu tincidunt, a tempus erat cursus.

For whom?

UMD InfoSci Department

My Role

UX Researcher & More




Fall '23

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

Let's Build Something!

Don't be shy, feel free to reach out!

Yash Deshmukh. © 2024. Made with Caffeine & Flow States.

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

Let's Build Something!

Don't be shy, feel free to reach out! 👀


  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

Let's Build Something!

Don't be shy, feel free to reach out!

Yash Deshmukh. © 2024.
Made with Caffeine & Flow States.