Fundamentals of HCI

Amtrak Usability Testing

This project involves a thorough usability evaluation of the Amtrak website using Jakob Nielsen's ten usability heuristics as a framework, identifying issues, assessing severity, and suggesting improvements for enhanced user experience.

Fundamentals of HCI

Amtrak Usability Testing

This project involves a thorough usability evaluation of the Amtrak website using Jakob Nielsen's ten usability heuristics as a framework, identifying issues, assessing severity, and suggesting improvements for enhanced user experience.

Fundamentals of HCI

Amtrak Usability Testing

This project involves a thorough usability evaluation of the Amtrak website using Jakob Nielsen's ten usability heuristics as a framework, identifying issues, assessing severity, and suggesting improvements for enhanced user experience.

Mockup of the Amtrak's website on a black MacBook with a train sunset image in the background
Mockup of the Amtrak's website on a black MacBook with a train sunset image in the background
Mockup of the Amtrak's website on a black MacBook with a train sunset image in the background

For whom?


My Role

UX Researcher

The Niche



Fall '23


This project is an unaltered academic assignment from my Fundamentals of HCI course, included in my portfolio to showcase my skills in usability testing and evaluation. I have intentionally left the assignment in its original form to demonstrate the analytical process and deliverables for this key UX skill. The following overview provides context, while the full assignment text examines usability issues on the Amtrak website through expert review and redesign suggestions based on Jakob Nielsen's ten usability heuristics. This practical application of theoretical concepts illustrates my attention to detail, critical thinking abilities, and passion for enhancing user experiences.

1) What interface did you choose to evaluate? Why did you choose to evaluate it? What are specific aspects of the interface that you hope to learn more about?  

Ans)  For the activity of usability evaluation, I’ve decided to go ahead with Amtrak’s website -, which people usually use to book inter-state/inter-city trains and to plan trip itineraries. I’ve chosen Amtrack because I’ve never used it to book any tickets, and I stumbled upon it a week back. Not knowing the details and the website flow removes any tacit knowledge and biases that could’ve occurred otherwise. With this evaluation, I aim to understand the aspects of the ticket booking flow and see if it complies with Jakob’s Ten usability Hurestics. Amtrak is one of the most extensive train networks in the world; I wish to learn how they design such vast and various forms of users.

2) Who would be the typical users for this type of interface? Please discuss their age, computing experience, computing environment, job responsibility, and education level. 

Ans) Here are the typical users of Amtrak and the rationale behind it:

  • The typical users of the Amtrak website represent a diverse demographic. They span various age groups, including young adults, middle-aged individuals, and seniors, about 18 (for legal reasons) to 65.

  • Travellers who are used to booking platforms to book various kinds of tickets like flights, trains, buses, and more would make up for the users’ computing experience. 

  • Users access the website from different computing environments, such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, so the site needs to be responsive and accessible across various devices. These users can come from diverse professional backgrounds and education levels, including students, office workers, retirees, and individuals from different industries. 

  • All the Amtrak users may not perfectly mirror the entire spectrum of typical/ ideal users. Testing often involves a convenience sample, and participants may exhibit variations in characteristics such as age, computing experience, or education level. The variations in characteristics ensure that the website's design should be able to cater to a broad audience, delivering a user-friendly experience for all.

3) Briefly describe some common tasks a user would perform using the interface including the task goals. Indicate which tasks you will be exploring with the evaluations and which you will not (e.g., not collecting personal health or financial information).

Ans) For this evaluation, the primary goal for the user is to check for tickets from Washington DC to New York on Amtrak’s website. Here are the details of the sub-tasks the user would go through while aiming for the primary goal:

1. Searching for Train Schedules: The primary objective is to find suitable train schedules that align with their preferred departure and arrival times, ensuring a smooth and timely journey.

2. Selecting Departure and Return Trains: Users aim to secure tickets for their preferred departure and return journeys, considering factors like train type, seating preferences, and onboard amenities to tailor their travel experience.

3. Choosing Add-Ons and Amenities: This encompasses a broad range of tasks where users customize their journey. They may select amenities such as Wi-Fi, reserved seating, onboard meals, and special services to align with their preferences, comfort, and needs during travel.

4. Checking Baggage Allowance: To ensure a seamless travel experience, users often must examine baggage allowances for checked-in and carry-on items to adhere to luggage restrictions.

5. Pet Allowance, Bicycles, and More: Travelers with pets may explore pet policies and associated fees, individuals travelling with bicycles can check specific regulations, and others may inquire about policies regarding oversized luggage, mobility aids, and accessibility services.

In the evaluation process, we will primarily focus on tasks related to searching for train schedules, selecting departure and return trains, and choosing various add-ons and amenities. These tasks significantly influence the booking process and the overall user experience, contributing to a smoother and more tailored journey. However, tasks related to collecting payment flow, points and financial information will not be explored during this evaluation as they are beyond this evaluation's scope.

4) Which set of heuristics did you use for the heuristic evaluation, and why did you choose those?


I chose to conduct the heuristic evaluation of the Amtrak website using Jakob Nielsen's Ten Usability Heuristics due to their broad applicability, usability focus, and holistic approach. These heuristics offer comprehensive guidelines for assessing various aspects of usability, making them suitable for evaluating the overall user experience on the website. They cover principles such as user control, consistency, and error prevention, which are vital for a transportation service website like Amtrak, serving a diverse user base.

While I initially considered the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines for evaluating accessibility, I decided to opt for Nielsen's heuristics because they provide a more holistic assessment of usability. Accessibility guidelines primarily concentrate on making websites accessible to individuals with disabilities, and I discovered that websites often use third-party plugins like EqualWeb Accessibility to address these specific requirements. Therefore, to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of the website's usability, I chose Jakob Nielsen's Ten Usability Heuristics, which go beyond accessibility standards and address broader usability concerns that impact the user experience for all users.

5) From the results of the expert review, what interface problems did you discover? What suggestions do you have to improve each of these problems? Be specific as to which heuristic helped you discover the needed improvement.

Heuristic 1 - Visibility of System Status

Heuristic 1, "Error Prevention," is fundamental in user interface design by strongly emphasising preventing user errors rather than merely relying on reactive error messages. It acknowledges that minimizing the likelihood of errors in the first place is more efficient and leads to a more seamless and user-friendly experience. 

This heuristic is particularly evident on the Amtrak website when delving into the trip selection process. In the "Before" scenario, users input their departure and arrival stations and select travel dates. The website then lists available trains and coaches, along with their respective capacities. However, the details concerning pet policies, bicycle allowance, available amenities, and add-ons are unfortunately concealed within a drop-down menu on the primary page.

Img: Essential Information is hidden under a drop-down list.

Baggage allowance being shown at the very end.

Img: Baggage allowance being shown at the very end.

On the contrary, the baggage allowance is only disclosed at the very end, just before the payment process commences, introducing a significant source of friction in the user experience. This design creates an environment ripe for potential user errors; individuals might unknowingly select a train without being informed about specific policies or amenities. Consequently, this can lead to frustration and necessitate additional time and effort to rectify the situation.

Img: Zoomed-in view of the redesigned panel

In contrast, the "After" screenshot represents a thoughtful redesign that places essential information directly in front of users. By optimizing white space and presenting a clearly defined options section within the train details, users can quickly access information about baggage allowances, available amenities, and add-ons. This redesign embodies Heuristic 1's principles, significantly reducing the probability of user errors by fostering informed decision-making. It minimizes user frustration and streamlines the booking process, saving users from having to start over after discovering undesirable restrictions or features later. This enhances the user experience and optimizes resource allocation for the website. Ultimately, this implementation aligns seamlessly with the core idea of error prevention: providing users with the critical information they need at the right time, minimizing friction, and ensuring a smoother, more efficient interaction.

Heuristic 2 - Match Between System & Real World

This usability principle underlines the importance of ensuring that the user interface reflects the real-world experiences and expectations of the users. A system that closely aligns with the user's mental model and real-world concepts enhances usability and makes interactions more intuitive and efficient.

On the Amtrak website, this heuristic is exemplified in several ways, notably through the use of familiar and relatable elements:

1. Calendar for Date Selection: The website's use of a calendar interface for selecting departure and arrival dates is a prime example of this principle in action. The calendar design closely mirrors real-life horizontal calendars, a format familiar to most users. This alignment between the digital representation and the real-world concept eases decision-making and empowers users to make quick, informed choices.

Img: Calendar drop-down for date selection

2. Train Visualization for Availability: Another instance is the depiction of a train as a visual indicator of the train's occupancy. This representation, resembling a progress bar, closely matches the real-world concept of a train filling up. This visual cue enhances the user's understanding of the booking process and the availability of seats, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.

Img: A train icon depicting the occupancy/availability of seats

Incorporating such design elements that mimic real-world experiences and expectations is a cornerstone of effective user interface design. It reduces cognitive load, improves user comprehension, and ultimately fosters a more user-friendly and efficient interaction with the system. In this way, Heuristic 2 ensures that the user's mental model aligns with the system's presentation, promoting an intuitive and seamless user experience.

Heuristic 3 - User Control & Freedom

User Control and Freedom is a vital usability principle that acknowledges the occasional occurrence of user errors or the need to backtrack from unintended actions. It underscores the importance of providing users with a clear and easily accessible "emergency exit" to rectify or escape from undesired interactions or decisions within a system.

On the Amtrak website, this heuristic is exemplified through the presence of a "Back" button coupled with a disabled "Continue" button at the bottom of the page while selecting trains. The "Back" button offers a continuous means for users to retrace their steps and return to the home page, allowing them to initiate the booking process anew. Simultaneously, the "Continue" button remains disabled until both the Departure and Return trains are booked, ensuring users cannot proceed prematurely.

Img: The “Back” button is always visible in the train selection flow.

While the positioning and implementing of these buttons may be subject to personal preferences and design considerations, the Amtrak website's adherence to this heuristic is apparent. It provides users with a clear path to correct their actions or backtrack when necessary, reinforcing their sense of control and freedom within the system. 

Heuristic 4 - Consistency & Standards

This principle emphasizes the importance of creating user interfaces that adhere to established conventions and standards. Users should not be left wondering about the meaning of different words, situations, or actions, and they should feel comfortable navigating a system that follows industry or platform norms.

Img: Search dialogue-box on Amtrak’s Home Page.

The Amtrak website provides a notable example of compliance with this heuristic by aligning its design with the standard conventions of travel booking platforms, whether it's for trains, buses, or flights. This alignment is visible across several facets of the interface, including the homepage and the dialogue boxes for selecting the starting point, destination, departure and return dates, and the number of travellers.

Img: Search dialogue-box on Skyscanner’s Home Page.

Img: Search dialogue-box on Flixbus’ Home Page.

Img: Search dialogue-box on Wanderu’s Home Page.

By conforming to these industry standards and conventional UI patterns, Amtrak's website ensures that users encounter a predictable and familiar interface. This consistency and adherence to standards enhance the user experience by reducing cognitive load and enabling users to interact with the system confidently. Users benefit from the comfort of knowing that the interface mirrors what they've encountered on other travel booking platforms, thus strengthening the principle of Heuristic 4, and providing a smoother and more user-friendly experience.

Heuristic 5 - Error Prevention

This heuristic underscores the importance of designing user interfaces that proactively anticipate and prevent errors rather than rely on effective error messages for user guidance. It highlights the value of minimizing user errors and providing solutions to recover from those errors efficiently.

In the context of the Amtrak website's Trip Selection page, the “Before" screenshot illustrates a design where the selection panel for Departure and Arrival Stations allows users to swap stations. Still, the dates for departure and arrival are fixed and unchangeable. To alter the dates, users must initiate a new search, causing them to lose their previous selections and progress. Additionally, the placement of the dates on the right side of the station names disrupts the user's reading flow and makes it challenging to view the information cohesively.

In the "After" screenshot, a redesigned panel addresses these issues. The station names are presented more prominently, with a swap option for added convenience. The dates are positioned directly beside the station names to maintain a fluid reading context and provide a solution for date changes. Moreover, implementing a more advanced content management system (CMS) and algorithm can empower the users to navigate through dates and select or change them directly on the platform, saving time and avoiding the need to start a new search. This design improvement adheres to the heuristic by preventing common errors, such as selecting incorrect dates and enabling users to recover from such errors seamlessly, ultimately enhancing the user experience.

Heuristic 6 - Recognition Rather Than Recall

This heuristic emphasizes the importance of reducing users' cognitive load by presenting information that can be readily recognized without the need for recall or excessive mental effort.

To illustrate the application of this heuristic, let's consider the "Travellers" section on the Amtrak website. In the "Before" screenshot, the UI displayed a list of text-based options for selecting the number of travellers in different age groups. While hierarchical, this design required users to read through each label to comprehend their choices fully. This reliance on recall and textual understanding could create confusion and slow the booking process.

In the "After" screenshot, I’ve tried to improve it by introducing context-based icons alongside the text labels for different age groups and the coupon code. These icons provide users with an immediate visual cue, making it easier for them to recognize and differentiate the sections without the need to read every word. By implementing this change, the interface aligns better with the heuristic, reducing the cognitive load on users and enhancing the overall user experience. Users can quickly identify their choices, which is particularly beneficial for those in a rush or the ones who need to be more familiar with the details.

Heuristic 7 - Flexibility and Eciency of Use

This heuristic states that shortcuts — hidden from novice users — may speed up the interaction for the expert user.

In the specific context, the "Advanced Search" feature exemplifies the application of flexibility and efficiency of use. This feature offers a dynamic and user-centric approach to searching for train options, catering to both novice and expert users. Novice users benefit from a straightforward means of booking their journeys by selecting the time of day for train departures from predefined time frames, reducing friction and making the booking process less intimidating. Simultaneously, the feature offers expert users the ability to fine-tune their booking context by inputting promo codes and redeeming points, resulting in a more efficient and cost-effective booking process. 

Img: Toggle button for “Use Points” included in both sections.

Improvement can be made in the placement of the "Advanced Search" feature to enhance accessibility, ensuring it is more prominent or clearly visible to users, especially newcomers to the system. Additionally, the "Use Points" option within the advanced search appears redundant, given its presence in the top section of the website. Streamlining the interface by removing this redundancy can reduce potential confusion and allow users to focus on other advanced features, like specifying the time of day or applying promo codes, aligning with this specific heuristic more and providing a more efficient and intuitive experience for all users.

Heuristic 8 - Aesthetic & Minimalist Design

Aesthetic and minimalist design emphasizes the importance of designing user interfaces that prioritize clarity and elegance. It advocates for removing superfluous elements and only presenting relevant information to the user. This approach ensures that every piece of information in the interface serves a purpose, enhancing the overall user experience.

Img: Consistent font and variations of font weight across the website.

The Amtrak website adheres to aesthetic principles by maintaining a consistent color palette comprising various shades of blue in line with the brand's identity. Furthermore, it employs the OpenSans font and its weights throughout the website, ensuring typographic uniformity and pleasing visual cohesion. However, it's notable that the website, while generally minimalist, may sometimes omit essential information that could offer users valuable insights at a glance, as mentioned in the redesign explanation for Heuristic 1.

Img: Before - Lesser whitespace and considerably cluttered interface.

Img: After - Higher whitespace and improved CTA positions.

As part of the redesign process, I addressed one specific area where aesthetic and minimalist design could be improved—the home screen's dialogue box for train selection. The redesign involved the introduction of increased whitespace and padding, drawing users' attention to the dialogue box. The UI elements were repositioned hierarchically, creating a cleaner and more efficient user experience. It's worth noting that this redesign was a quick UI design activity. the final UI could be further refined for an even cleaner and more user-friendly interface.

Heuristic 9 - Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors

This emphasizes the importance of clear, user-friendly error handling within a user interface. The primary goal is to ensure that when users encounter issues or make errors, the system responds with comprehensible error messages that not only pinpoint the problem but also offer constructive guidance for resolution.

Img: CTA to seek more information.

On the website, while specific errors and related messages may not have been encountered by me, there are elements that align with this heuristic and contribute to the overall user experience. Notably, the presence of multiple [i] buttons, designed to provide users with additional information about specific sections, serves as a form of error prevention. These buttons, when clicked, offer clear instructions and explanations related to the processes or activities in question. By doing so, they help users avoid potential errors by proactively providing guidance and clarifications. Although this aspect bears some overlap with Heuristic 5 - "Error Prevention," it supports Heuristic 9 by minimizing the chances of users encountering errors in the first place.

It's important to note that the absence of specific error messages in the areas evaluated is not necessarily a drawback. Instead, the website focuses on preemptive measures, offering users the information and guidance needed to navigate the platform with minimal errors. While this evaluation may not encompass the payment flow, which often gives rise to errors, the overall user interface is designed with a proactive, user-centric approach in mind, aligning with the principles of both error prevention and error recovery.

Heuristic 10 - Help & Documentation

This heuristic underscores the importance of designing interfaces that are as intuitive and self-explanatory as possible, reducing the need for users to seek external assistance. However, in cases where users do require additional guidance, the design should provide access to clear and effective help resources.

Img: Search bar for seeking help.

The presence of a prominent search bar in the top right corner, labeled "Need Help? Ask Julie," is a commendable step towards addressing user inquiries and providing assistance. This feature appears ideally situated, making it convenient for users to seek help whenever necessary. The implication of a virtual assistant named “Julie” suggests a proactive approach to assist users. However, as mentioned, the effectiveness of this feature appears to be hindered by technical issues, where searches do not yield meaningful results.

Img: Search option doesn’t pull any results.

While the initial design shows an inclination towards offering help and documentation, it's crucial to ensure that the backend functionality aligns with user expectations. Effective and responsive virtual assistants can significantly enhance the user experience by providing real-time assistance and guidance, contributing to the fulfillment of Heuristic 10's goal of facilitating user tasks without external intervention. Addressing technical issues with the search functionality could improve the overall user satisfaction by ensuring that users can find the help they need promptly.

For whom?


My Role

UX Researcher




Fall '23

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

Let's Build Something!

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Yash Deshmukh. © 2024. Made with Caffeine & Flow States.

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

Let's Build Something!

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  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

  • Let's Build Something Great

Let's Build Something!

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Yash Deshmukh. © 2024.
Made with Caffeine & Flow States.